Sunday, August
6th, 2006, evening
I've been taking a break from this dress. I have to finish that darn belt and
I have no motivation to do so. I also have to do the embroidery on the collar. I think I need to find a better
trim for the sleeves and collar and I've been looking for it for so long. That's kind of discouraged me, I guess.
Maybe when I have some time off later this week, I'll feel more gumption to continue. While I haven't been doing much
sewing, I have been working on my small costume research page. Just for fun.
August 18th, 2006, afternoon
I'm diligently working on my belt. I have a 3rd of the waist part done.
So, once I get all that gold on there, I can really start messing with my medallion ideas. I've been thinking about the
trim on the dress, and I might just try the cording I have and see if it's small enough. I'm pretty sure I'm going
to have to handsew that too. It's a lot of fun, but it can get tedious. Oh, and about the embroidery on the
neckline, I am starting to get scared about it...
August 21st, 2006, afternoon
I had to take a break from the belt for awhile. I started applying the trim
I do have to the sleeve seams (that attach to the shoulders). I was thinking it would be too big, but it looks ok on
those seams. Now, I have to try it on the hem of the sleeves. We'll see if it still looks ok. The belt is
slowly coming along...
August 28th, 2006, afternoon
I've been working diligently on the trim for the sleeves. It's gone very easy
and I'm done with both the sleeves and the shoulder seams. I'm very happy with how they look, even though I wish the
trim were a tad smaller. I added some photos. I now have to decide whether I'm going
to embroider the neckline or not. I need to decide soon. That will take me awhile. Back to the belt...
My Eowyn with trim |

I added the white/gold cording around the sleeves. |
My Eowyn with trim |

Here's a closer look at the sleeves |
September 6th, 2006, evening
I finally lugged out my sewing machine for another project, so I decided
I would back my front hanging tab for the belt to see how it would look as a final product. I sewed it all up and put
my poor first finger (index finger of left hand for all you non-violinists) through hell to get the stupid thing turned right
side out. Then, I hated it. It was all tube-like even after I trimmed up the seams and ironed it. So, I
thought about it awhile and then today, I re-turned it inside out to trim even more out of it. I took off one side of
interfacing and decided to trim up the seams even more (closer than I wanted). But, to make it more flat, I have some
no-sew stuff that can glue two fabrics together and I put that on the backside, turned it inside out, and glued the front
to the back with my iron. That did wonders. It looks tons better and I think it's just as stable as it was.
So, getting that done, and the imminent divorce from my husband if I
don't put the sewing machine away soon, has spurred me on to finish the trim on the belt. I got the two sides done today
and will get the scallops done within the next few days so I can get that all sewed up and done.
This past weekend, I went to the fabric store to pick up an embroidery
pen. I tried it out when I got home and was pretty satisfied with the result. I just winged it to see if I could
do something that looked halfway decent. After doing part of it, I looked up some embroidery stitches online and was
surprised that I was actually doing a correct stitch. It's amazing the things you pick up by osmosis...
While I was at the store, I saw out of the corner of my eye a brass ring
that was about 2 1/4 inches in diameter. I was very excited and tried to find one that was just 2 inches, but it wasn't
there. But, that didn't stop me. I decided to go to another craft store and see what they had. After looking
in every aisle, I asked someone. Even though they were quite nice, I didn't find what I was looking for. So, I'll
keep my 2 1/4 inch ring and see if I can't find something else that might work. This darn belt has been giving me the
most trouble. It doesn't help that I'm completely crazy about being as close to the stupid screen belt as I can get.
I've seen way too many terrible belts that people have done online. I'm a snob.
Woo!, this has turned into a nice long entry. Good for me.
September 15th, 2006, morning
I haven't updated in awhile...but since my last entry, I've completed
the sewing on the belt. I got all the trim on and the backing, so it is more or less complete. I have to now decide
how to keep the belt on me and do the silverwork on it. Still haven't decided what to do with that. My sewing
machine is still in the living room, though. I found some fabric to cover the chair we have in the living room, so I'm
doing that.
List of things yet to do with Eowyn:
1. Silverwork for belt
2. Hem dress
3. Embroidery on neckline
4. Finish off belt
5. Figure out jewelry (necklace)
September 24th, 2006, 10:30pm
Well, I started the embroidery. I just decided to go and
do it, instead of sitting there and thinking about it. We'll see if it actually turns out halfway decent. It probably
won't, but I'm trying anyway. I'll have pics up when I get more of it done.
October 21st, 2006, 9:45pm
I've been working on the embroidery. I don't have any pictures
yet, because it's not done and I don't want to show you until it's done. I've been searching for good belt possibilities
and I think I've thrown the beads out the window. But, I found some good curtain rings at Linens and Things that I figured
would work just fine for the outline of the medallions. I bought some silver spray paint at Home Depot today and will
be painting them tomorrow (if the weather holds out). Then, I will use the wire I got to form them into a chain with
the outline of the main pattern on them. I hope it works. So, my list is as follows:
1. Embroidery
2. Attach trim under embroidery and around neckline
3. Re-sew lining to neckline
4. Hem dress and sleeves
5. Finish underbelt (make tie-back)
6. Spray paint rings
7. Apply wire to rings
8. Attach rings to underbelt
9. Figure out necklace
10. Get proper undergarments (I just don't have anything that will do...)
I've got a lot to do in one week. But, I can do it!
October 22nd, 2006, 1:30pm
I just updated my costs below today. I wanted to keep the costume under $100,
but I broke that, unfortunately. Right now, I'm spray painting the curtain rings I found. It's a little chilly
outside so we'll see how the paint holds. I'm going to check it in 15 minutes. The embroidery is coming along.
I have another whole section done. Four more to go.
October 22nd, 2006, 2:30pm
Yay, I just went to get my rings and they look good. They are twisted,
so they'll give what little I have some texture. Not perfect, but close enough to give the idea. I might have
to spray-paint the whole finished product when I get the wires attached to make them all look the same.
Oh, my apartment smells like spray paint.
October 23rd, 2006, 1:00pm
Last night, I stayed up to try and finish my embroidery. I was up until 2, but
I didn't finish. All I have left is the little part on the V and all the gold (which won't take long. I have pictures
of it, finally. I also posted pictures of my spray painted rings I found. You'll notice the
texture of them. The skinny one is for the center medallion. Oh, and I also posted pictures of my studio mascot just for fun.
My Eowyn: embroidery |

A start to the embroidery |
My Eowyn: embroidery |

A closer look at one side |
My Eowyn: belt medallions |

The basic rings for the medallions, spray painted silver. |
Wednesday, October 25th, 2006, evening
I stayed up last night to finish the embroidery. I got it all done,
then started on the trim. I got that done, so I started on the re-sewing of the lining to the neckline. I didn't
get that done...I went to bed around 2 again. When I got home from work tonight, I finished up the lining, finished
off the ends of the two ties I have for the belt and lacing up the back, tried to figure out my necklace situation, and cleaned
up the neckline embroidery a bit. So, here's my updated list...
1. Embroidery
-- complete
2. Attach trim under embroidery and around neckline -- complete
3. Re-sew lining to neckline -- complete
4. Hem dress and sleeves
5. Finish underbelt (make tie-back) -- complete
6. Spray paint rings -- complete
7. Apply wire to rings -- working on this
8. Attach rings to underbelt
9. Figure out necklace -- working on this
10. Get proper undergarments -- complete
I'm really close to done! Yay! I'll have pictures of the neckline as soon as they get off my camera.
October 26th, 2006, 2:45pm
ok, I'm at work...but not working...(well, obviously)....
Anyway, I finally took some pictures of my
dress this morning and I tried it on to make sure everything was fine. I have a few adjustments to make to make it fit
better, but it's going well. It shouldn't take me too long to do that. I also put up progress pictures of my medallions.
They're not perfect, but I think they'll work just fine. Now I'm worried about how heavy they'll be.
My Eowyn: finished embroidery |

Finally! |
My Eowyn: medallions |

A start to the belt medallions. |
October 28th, 2006, 1:00am
I got my dress hemmed up tonight. I finished up the adjustments last night.
I have to learn how to hem correctly. I just don't get how to hem so it doesn't all bunch up. Ah well, it looks
just fine. I tried using super glue to attach some beads to the back of my charm I have for my necklace. I don't
know if it'll work or not. We'll see in the morning. I need to make one adjustment to the belt. It needs one more row of grommets
in the back (I guess I'm skinnier than I thought). I also need to finish my necklace. I've got most of that done.
So, not much left. And only (technically) 16 hours left until the start of the concert.
Sunday, October 29th, 2006, 10:00pm
Well, the concert was today and I did alright. The kids played great and I got a lot of good comments
on my dress. I know not everyone got what I was, but I told everyone I was a "princess" and hoped that maybe some of
them would know. And, some did. This morning, I had to add a few grommets to my belt, do the necklace, and various
other tiny things. I figured out how to get in and out of the dress by myself alright, which is a feat in and of itself...
But, I'm really happy how it turned out. I hope to get to wear this again.
Mia as Eowyn |

Here I am! |
Mia as Eowyn: back |

I braided my hair to make it wavy...but no dyeing it blonde! |
Mia as Eowyn: neckline |

My necklace was done quickly, but got the essence. |
My Eowyn: charm |

This is a close up of the charm on the necklace. |
Mia as Eowyn: belt |

Here's a good view on the belt and the too short dress (It's hard to measure the hem by yourself!) |
Mia as Eowyn: inner sleeve |

My favorite part about this dress is the inner sleeve. |