I don't have many costumes to research that haven't been done already, but I thought that some of the costumes on
my wishlist needed a little bit better exposure on the web. So, look around, find what you need, and happy costuming!
September 10, 2007 - Alright, after deep soul-searching, (ok, not so deep!) I decided to take most of this site
off the web. I know, I'm mean. Maggie really has a nice site and she's got it all covered and does a way better job than me. :) But, I will be using
this site to put up really random costumes that no one else seems to know about. I'll keep up the costume pics here
for another month or so, then they'll be gone. Thanks for the support.
One thing I did add was some screencaps for Ellie Arroway's dress in Contact. I did a huge search on the internet for pics of this dress and found zip!
February 7, 2007 - Ok, so it's not really done, but the new Serenifly Costumes is up and running. I'm gradually getting it done as I have time. Right now, I've taken down all I had up on this
particular site and it will be (or is already) added to the new one. Questions? email me miaviolyns@yahoo.com
January 24, 2006 - I've decided to move the Firefly/Serenity section to it's own URL. I'll announce it here when it's close to being completed. So, that's why you haven't
seen much activity here. I will leave what I had started up here, but it will be gone when I do the official announcement.
December 31, 2006 - I got some images done on my Firefly/Serenity pages before leaving for vacation, but Tripod was acting funny, so now they're up and working!
November 19, 2006 - Got the promo images done for Zoe, Jayne, Wash, Kaylee, Inara, Book, Simon, and River on my Firefly/Serenity pages. I'm going to start working on the costume specific pages pretty soon. Thanksgiving might put a wrench
in those plans, though. I also archived some news...it was looking a little cluttered.
November 16, 2006 - I'm really close to putting up more pictures for Firefly/Serenity. Really really close.
November 10, 2006 - I finally got some pictures up for Firefly/Serenity. Right now, they've been added to the cast part. They're going to be moving slowly, but I'll get a little done at a time.